
Digest-it® for Dairies helps to convert solids into “biologically-active” liquid nutrients that can be efficiently used by plants and soil microbes. Farmers can strategically utilise treated effluent as part of their pasture or crop nutrition plan to optimise plant growth, animal health and herd performance....

Depending on the thickness of the surface crust, a number of physical and chemical changes can be observed in ponds within four to six weeks of treatment with Digest-it®. These effects vary greatly according to the individual characteristics of the pond, but include: Increased aerobic microbial...

Digest-it® for Dairies is ideal for all types of effluent management systems, particularly: Non-functioning effluent ponds Older systems that have become overloaded by increased herd size Large herds or those with high effluent loads Or where effluent ponds are close to dwellings, neighbours or towns. It is also suitable for...

Stimulates aerobic microbial activity in effluent ponds Digests suspended solids into plant-available liquid nutrients Reduces turbidity and increases the liquids to solids ratio Reduces surface crusting, solid waste and the need for desludging Reduces unpleasant odours Increases fertiliser value of effluent Can also be used as a silage inoculant or to...

BioAg Digest-it® for Dairies is a fermented microbial culture that helps to create and maintain a balanced microbial environment in effluent ponds, thereby stimulating microbial digestion of organic matter. Following an initial application to the pond, it is added in small amounts to the wash down...

Non-performing effluent systems are instantly recognisable by the presence of persistent surface crusting and their pervasive odour. A common symptom is the formation of a crust, whereby undigested solids form a crust up to 50 cm thick on the surface of the pond. Besides harbouring...

A correctly functioning effluent pond should contain high levels of oxygen and therefore aerobic bacteria that digest organic material, thereby: Reducing organic matter and nutrient levels Removing suspended solids and salts Creating an acceptable pH (6.8–7.5) Reducing odour This process is assisted via a complex interaction of sedimentation, precipitation and...

On many New Zealand dairy farms, a single pond is used to capture wash down liquid. Following “settling out” over several weeks or months, liquid effluent is then discharged into a “sacrifice area” or into an irrigation pond and spread over pastures as part of...

Effluent management is a major concern on many New Zealand dairy farms due to increased herd size, intensification and environmental scrutiny and regulation. Dairy farmers have a legal obligation to contain, manage and dispose of livestock effluent within their property’s boundaries in a manner that prevents...