Phosphate | RPR

Advanced phosphate fertiliser that works now and keeps on working.

Superb BAP™

Superb BAP is a highly reactive phosphate rock which has been inoculated with a microbial stimulant that results in the phosphorus being less reliant on rainfall to become plant available. This is a stable form of phosphorus that won’t lock up in the soil and continues to work for years after application.

BioAg’s unique proprietary inoculant aids natural phosphate digesting bacteria present on both the RPR and recipient soils. Superb BAP is based on high quality Algerian RPR containing 13% total phosphorous with citric solubility of 37% and fomic solubility of 64%.

Advantages for the farmer:

  • Reduced reliance on water soluble forms of phosphate fertiliser
  • Reduced long term fertiliser costs
  • Improved crop and pasture growth from year round availability of phosphorus
  • + more

Superb BAP is BioGro certified.

Superb BAP Booklet (700.45 KB) Superb BAP Label and Analysis (294.33 KB)

Scientific Jottings on RPR (BAP) (253.78 KB) RPR Study – RPR vs SSP (Australia) (856.10 KB)

Fertiliser that won’t lock up and works…for years.

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