13 Jul How long after grazing or cutting can I apply Roots & Shoots®?
BioAg recommends applying Roots & Shoots® 4-7 days after grazing or when pasture is actively growing. This is not always possible, so how long after grazing or cutting can I effectively apply Roots & Shoots®?
The key point is apply to “actively growing” pasture rather than a strict time frame. Roots & Shoots feeds the micro-organisms on the plant (pasture), is absorbed into the plant and balances it and when the majority of sugars that are produced by photosynthesis are shipped back to the roots each night the remainder of the Roots & Shoots is tied in with it. Thus the Roots & Shoots has a stimulating effect on the soil micro-organisms to further support the base established by Soil & Seed application.
This process only occurs when plants or pasture are ‘active’. Hence there is no benefit to be derived by applying Roots & Shoots in drought conditions or extreme cold when pasture growth has ceased.